Slothfurnace's B1-SAL SWTOR Droid Game Model Print & Paint
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I had just gotten a Bambu Carbon X1 3D Printer, and and chose my in-game SWTOR B1-Sal droid minipet model I did for the cartel market/rewards program to test it with.

After a few iterations, I got the print where I wanted it along with the articulation in the head, neck and body pieces...

Also printed out the arm on a ball socket so it could be moved... And set it all on a base with a wire support

Painting it was the fun part, almost as fun as translating the in-game model for B1-Sal into a real life 3D print.

Here, the pieces that allow it to swivel and tilt the head, along with the base/stand I made from some scrap aluminum.

All compressed down...

Starting to expand...

Painting the weathering and surface details was great fun...

I also made the arm door able to be closed or opened for the arm

All expanded, and waving.

This was one of the first in-game SWTOR models I made that I converted to a 3D printable state, and I love how it turned out! Thanks for looking!



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